Toddler Time is an interactive story time program for children ages 18-35 months and their adult caregivers. Please register. There is no Toddler Time on July 5.
Help children make with sound activities and experiments and clean up.
Children entering 2nd through 5th grade are invited to learn all about sound, from the basics of soundwaves and pitch to the ways animals "talk."
Meet the Trike-a-Delic Rider for Teen Art in the Park. Each artist will be given a Juneteenth quote to inspire a painting! Then, the original artwork will be transferred to a poster and displayed in the Teen Activity Room!
Lions and tigers and puppets, oh my! In this classic heart-warming tale, children of all ages will watch with bated breath as a Kansas cyclone whisks Dorothy off to Oz where she befriends Scarecrow, Tin Woodsman, and Cowardly Lion.
Create this dramatic flag artwork on canvas with local artist Diane Shebelski.
Members of the public are welcome to attend. Each regular agenda provides time for public participation. Patrons addressing the Library Board must state their full name and address for the record, and limit their comments to five minutes.