Toddler Time is an interactive story time program for children ages 18-35 months and their adult caregivers. There is no Toddler Time on October 24 and November 21.
2019 Medicare Open Enrollment is October 15 to December 7. Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace is November 1 to December 15. Are you confused with all the choices?
Preschool Story Time combines stories, songs and crafts for kids from 3-5 years old. There is no Preschool Story Time on October 24 and November 21.
Stranger Than Fiction Book Club meets monthly to discuss current nonfiction titles. For our November 14 meeting, we will discuss Alison Weir's 'The Six Wives of Henry VIII'.
Members of the public are welcome to attend. Each regular agenda provides time for public participation. Patrons addressing the Library Board must state their full name and address for the record, and limit their comments to five minutes.
Help clean up the Children's Department at the end of the day. Wipe down play tables, clean toys, put together puzzles, etc.