Toddler Time is an interactive story time program for children ages 18-35 months and their adult caregivers. There is no Toddler Time on July 2.
Join us on Tuesdays for fun STEM activities and a brain-boosting snack! Register for each activity you are attending.
June 4--Earth Friendly Sneakers Challenge
June 18--Make Your Own Stethoscopes
July 2--DIY Junkbots
Help kids to understand UNO rules and how to play. Serve snacks and clean up.
Test your UNO skills against other players. Tournament winner will receive a trophy. Please arrive on time. For kids entering grades 1-5.
Help kids create with Legos. Set up and clean up.
At this free-play program, children are provided an open-ended prompt to encourage imaginative building and playing with Legos.
Help clean up the Children's Department at the end of the day. Wipe down play tables, clean toys, put together puzzles, etc.