Preschool Story Time combines stories, songs and crafts for kids from 3-5 years old. There is no Preschool Story Time on July 4.
Pass out treat bags and help with interactive elements. Clean up.
Get ready to take a trip into a world of pure imagination! Sing along with the Oompa Loompas and cheer Charlie on his way through Willy Wonka's amazing, fabulous, stupendous, chocolate factory in the original 1971 movie version. Each r
Join us on Thursdays in the Teen Room to create something new! Register for each activity you are coming to.
June 13--Make a Gift for Dad
June 27--Make a Confetti Blaster
July 11--Make Your Own Wormery
Children from birth through age 6 and their families will enjoy stories, songs and fun activities together. Feel free to wear your pajamas! There is no Family Story Time on July 4.
Using the library’s butterfly garden, Evergreen Park resident and professional photographer Ruth Hoskins will demonstrate how to take beautiful garden photos. Bring your own camera or smartphone.
Help clean up the Children's Department at the end of the day. Wipe down play tables, clean toys, put together puzzles, etc.