Toddler Time is an interactive story time program for children ages 18-35 months and their adult caregivers. Please register.
The Stroke Support Group brings together stroke survivors, caregivers, and other interested parties for mutual help, fellowship, and education. Focused topics are discussed at each meeting.
Today's Topic: Depression After Stroke
Join us as we read a story and explore STEM concepts together!
Honor Flight Chicago recognizes WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War veterans with a day of honor and gratitude at their war memorials in Washington, DC.
Kids in preschool through 5th grade are invited to craft with us! Sign up for each week you would like to join us.
March 5: Fingerpainting Rainbows
March 19: Butterfly Painting
April 2: Bubble Wrap Painting
representative from the Society of Financial Advisors (SOFA) will discuss the following topics in this three-part series.
Session 1 Social Security & Medicare
Session 2 Retirement Planning & Taxes
Join other fiber artists for some social stitching! Show off your WIP (work in progress), get some crochet or knitting tips, or just join for a social hangout. New members and all skill levels are always welcome.