This event is in the "Children" group.

Toddler Time

9:30am - 10:00am
Library Branch: Evergreen Park Public Library
Room: Children's Program Room
Age Group: Children
Program Type: Storytime
Seats Remaining: Unlimited
Event Details:

Toddler Time is an interactive story time program for children ages 18-35 months and their adult caregivers.  Please register.

This event is in the "Adults" group.
Library Branch: Evergreen Park Public Library
Room: Activity/Teen Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Discussion, Technology
Seats Remaining: 8
Event Details:

Únase a nuestro grupo de conversación en inglés para practicar sus habilidades de conversación.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Spring Choga (Chair Yoga) with Joan Z.

12:00pm - 1:00pm
Library Branch: Evergreen Park Public Library
Room: Meeting Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: AgeOptions, Health & Wellness, Seniors
Seats Remaining: 1
Event Details:

Certified yoga instructor Joan Zigulich of Yoga Pathway, LLC, will lead you in a chair yoga practice, This gentle form of yoga consists of simple movements to strengthen and stretch the whole body all while seated in a chair.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Zoom Spring 1 Choga (Chair Yoga) with Joan Z.

12:00pm - 1:00pm
Virtual Event
Library Branch: Evergreen Park Public Library
Room: Virtual
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Health & Wellness, Seniors
Seats Remaining: 21
Event Details:

You are registering for the Virtual Chair Yoga. The link will be sent to you after you register and we verify you have filled out the release form. See the link below. 

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Poetry Makerspace

3:30pm - 4:30pm
Library Branch: Evergreen Park Public Library
Room: Activity/Teen Room
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Other
Event Details:

Celebrate National Poetry Month in our Teen Poetry Makerspace! Try blackout poetry, magnetic poetry, book spine poetry, found poetry, and more. 

This event is in the "All" group.

Library Board Meeting

7:00pm - 9:00pm
Library Branch: Evergreen Park Public Library
Room: Conference Room
Age Group: All
Event Details:

Members of the public are welcome to attend. Each regular agenda provides time for public participation. Patrons addressing the Library Board must state their full name for the record, and limit their comments to three minutes.