Toddler Time is an interactive story time program for children ages 18-35 months and their adult caregivers.
Certified yoga instructor Joan Zigulich of Yoga Pathway will lead you in a Chair Yoga practice to boost your energy and get your joints moving.
Preschool Story Time combines stories, songs and crafts for kids from 3-5 years old.
Certified yoga instructor Joan Zigulich of Yoga Pathway will lead you in a Chair Yoga practice to boost your energy and get your joints moving.
Join us for a weird and wacky craft or activity every other Wednesday in September, October and November. No registration necessary. For kids in grades K-5.
Chicago restaurants have fed the hungry and helped us celebrate special occasions. They have attracted movie stars, launched nationwide trends and created a smorgasbord of culinary choices.
Help clean up the Children's Department at the end of the day. Wipe down play tables, clean toys, put together puzzles, etc.