Toddler Time is an interactive story time program for children ages 18-35 months and their adult caregivers. There is no Toddler Time on November 22. Please register.
Help kids make an outfit for their doll, using tape, paper, and fabric scraps. Set up and clean up.
Bring a Barbie doll and your imagination to create a no-sew outfit for your doll using paper, washi tape, and fabric scraps. We'll display your dolls in the library's display case. For kids in kindergarten through 5th grade. No r
Hospice and palliative care both aim to minimize suffering from serious illnesses. They both honor the values and wishes of the individual and preserve human dignity. What is the difference? The ProMedica caregiving team will be
Join other fiber artists for some social stitching! Show off your WIP (work in progress), get some crochet or knitting tips, or just join for a social hangout. New members and all skill levels are welcome.