Toddler Time is an interactive story time program for children ages 18-35 months and their adult caregivers. Please register. There is no Toddler Time on July 4.
Find Your Spotlight: Kids Broadway Bootcamp with Rosebud and Matthew
Thank you for registering for Find Your Voice: Kids Broadway Bootcamp with Rosebud & Matthew. Register for one or all four of the classes:
Tuesday, July 11, Improv
Join us for watercolors and refreshing lemonade under the pergola at James Sexton Park. Supplies will be provided.
Roll up your sleeves and get ready for some messy fun. Join us for a short story and some sensory play and exploration. This playtime program is for children and their caregiver.
Join other fiber artists for some social stitching! Show off your WIP (work in progress), get some crochet or knitting tips, or just join for a social hangout. New members and all skill levels are always welcome.