Toddler Time is an interactive storytime program for children ages 18-35 months and their adult caregivers. Please register. There is no Toddler Time on July 2.
Sweet Summer Snack & STEM Programs:
Jun 11 Make Edible Pudding Slime
June 25 Make a Mosquito-repelling Candle
Jul 9 Make Ice Cream in a Bag
Paint a cupcake on canvas while enjoying music, snacks, and camaraderie. For kids in kindergarten through 5th grade. Please register.
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and tranquility with "Mindful Moments," a one-hour meditation class designed to bring inner peace to the library community. This presentation blends theory and practice, offering participants an introduc
Yak & Yarn meets twice-weekly in the summer! Join other fiber artists for some social stitching on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm and Thursdays at 10:30 am.